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The Warriors come across a another band of adventurers who are also returning from a just vanquished Ice Cavern. They make camp with the Warriors and talk about trading from the last adventure. Take four Treasure Cards. You may swap any of these treasures with treasures from any of the Warriors' items. Any treasures not swapped are discarded.


For the past few days the Warriors have been travelling alongside steep cliffs. At one unfortunate moment a random Warrior slips on the edge of the path. Each Warrior may try to grab him before he falls, by rolling a D6. On a 5 or 6 he is grabbed and saved, on anything else he falls. If the Warrior falls he hits a lower level of the cliff and takes 2D6 + 4 damage. The other Warriors have to trek back down to him and then continue the journey, adding one week to travel.


The Warriors come across a hot spring flowing from the side of a mountain. They may bathe here and regain all lost Wounds. The Warriors find it a hard place to leave.


The Warriors stumble into a village in the middle of being attacked by a group of orcs. The Warriors may either pass on without helping as the screams of death fill their ears, or they can charge in to the village and attack the orcs. If they decide to attack they each roll a D6 on the following table. When everyone has rolled the attackers have been defeated.

1 The Warrior runs at the nearest orc but he slips as he approaches, causing him to slide under the orc, who stabs him with a spear. The Warrior takes 1D6+4 damage.

2 The Warrior is suffering from the cold and the numbness within him causes him to swing his weapon less than accurately, only felling two orcs and receiving a couple of blows himself. The Warrior takes 1D6 damage.

3-4 The Warrior fights to his usual form, taking out orcs left right and centre.

5-6 The Warrior calls a battle cry as he cleaves through flesh and bone alike. He even manages to search a few of the orcs, finding 2D6 x 10 Gold.

After the battle the villagers thank the Warriors for their assistance but can offer nothing in return, apart from 1 provision each.


One of the Warriors is suffering frostbite in his feet. His feet are sore, and his movement for the next dungeon is reduced by one. The Warrior also takes 1D4 unmodified damage.


A cave is discovered during the week. Crystals are found outside. Upon further inspection the Warriors discover the cave to be filled with crystals. Each Warrior may roll 1D10 + 8 for how many crystals they find. They may sell these at the Norse Seaport for 1D4 x 50 Gold.


Early one morning the other Warriors rise to find that a random Warrior is still asleep and clutching a straw teddy bear. The Warrior awakens to the laughter of his fellow adventurers. The Warrior hastily gets up and stuffs the teddy bear in a sack. He then turns to the characters and says "WHAT!?!?!?!"


The Warriors reach the top of a hill to find an abandoned toboggan. They see that the toboggan's path down the hill follows the path the Warriors are travelling, and by using the contraption may speed up travel. If the Warriors decide to risk the toboggan ride, roll a D6:

1 The Warriors find they have no control over the toboggan. They slide and slip careering out of control. They crash into a tree and smash the toboggan. The Warriors take 1D6+6 damage each and two random Warriors have lost a random treasure each.

2-3 The toboggan speeds along then it hits a rock and flies into a tree. Each Warrior takes 1D6+4 damage.

4-6 The trip is successful and the Warriors reach the base of the mountain within minutes. Subtract 1 week from travel.


Ahead the Warriors can see Frost Clan members (strange alchemists that roam the ice lands.) coming in the way of the Warriors. They can hide until they pass or just stroll on by.


The Warriors step behind a nearby boulder and wait until the clan approach. As the Frost Clan pass, one of them turns his shrouded head toward the boulder but then continues with the rest of his clan.


The Warriors walk on and approach the Frost Clan. As they meet, the Frost Clan... (roll a D6):

1 Hum in low tones making the Warriors muscles relax, causing them to fall to the ground. The White robed members of the Frost clan huddle around the fallen adventurers, intensifying the hum. The Warrior are at -1 Strength for the next adventure (one being the lowest). White nimble fingers pick the Warriors helpless bodies, relieving them each of 1D6 x 50 Gold or one Treasure (if the Warriors do not have that much Gold). The clan move on and the Warriors pull themselves off the ground painfully.

2 Pass by, chanting an indistinguishable language that seems harmless enough. After the clan has long past the Warriors can't help but feel that something has changed. Each Warrior loses 1 Luck for the remainder of this, and the next adventure.

3-4 Pass silently by the Warriors. Even though the Warriors are mighty they can not help but feel uneasy around the Frost Clan.

5 Chant lightly and a Golden aura surrounds the Warriors. Soon the Gold fades and the clan has departed. Each Warrior may add +1 non permanent Luck.

6 Pull crystal emblems from under their white robes. The emblems glow in a deep red. Just when the Warriors are thinking that they are going to attack, their bodies feel strengthened and an inner peace fills them. The clan then move on. Each Warrior may add +1 strength for the next adventure.


The Warriors are making good progress when the ground gives way underneath a random Warrior. The Warrior falls to sharp rocks below. He takes 1D6+5 damage. The other Warriors manage to pull him out of the hole after some struggle. It seems this trap may have been set for Yetis as they are common in these parts.



Early in the week the Warriors come across a trail of blood in the snow. If the Warriors wish to follow the trail roll 1D6 on the following table:

1 The Warriors follow the trail around a rocky bend, to see a large Yeti feasting on a torn open corpse. The hairy beast looks up and sees the Warriors and hastily throws down the corpse for fresh meat. Fight a battle with 1 Yeti.

2 The Warriors find the trail leads to a humanoid corpse that has been chewed and ripped at. The Warriors conclude that it probably was a Yeti attack. Nothing is found on what's left of the corpse.

3-4 The trail ends with a wheezing man propped up against a large rock. He looks up at the Warriors approach, clutching a deep wound in his side. "Damn Orcs," he coughs out, "Can't even travel around any more without being attacked." The Warriors bend down to give aid to the man but he waves them away with a bloodied hand. "The sun is setting on my time, but.. I will.. not die.. without telling you.. this…" (roll a D4):

1-2 The man dies

3-4 The man manages to tell the Warriors something before his death. (roll a D6):

1 "My.. dogs.. name is.. Rupert.."

2 "My feet.. are.. cold.."

3 "The.. clumsy giant.. plays hopscotch... in the.. moonlight.."

4 The.. secret.. of eternal.. life is..

5 There is.. a.. healing pool.. up ahead... .Go straight to event 3 next week.

6 There is.. a crystal cave.. up ahead... . Go straight to event 6 next week.

5 The trail leads to a ripped corpse which is half eaten though his treasure remains. Take 1 Treasure Card.

6 The trail leads to a dead man who looks as if his has pulled himself along as far as he could and then died. When the Warriors look closer they find the mans fingers are tightly gripping a huge ruby. When the ruby is taken back to a City or Sea-port it can be sold for 1D6 x 500 Gold.


The Warriors meet up with a fellow adventurer, who decides to join the group to the Settlement. He is a (Roll 1D6):






































Norse Warrior









Witch Hunter









Pit Fighter








This Warrior is used like any other Warrior and leaves at the next settlement. You may wish to roll for a random name.


The weeks travel starts off well but then a snow storm hits. Roll 1D6:

1 The Warriors are blasted hard by the power of the storm and are forced to retreat to a group of caves they passed earlier. When the Warriors look at their belongings they each find that 1 random piece of treasure is lost. The land has been reformed by the snow and the Warriors find it hard to find their way to the Settlement. Add 2 weeks to the travel.

2 The storm whips around the Warriors at an alarming speed. The cold is so intense, the Warriors feel damaged. Subtract -1 permanent Wound from each Warrior. The storm them passes over.

3 The storm covers the land in thick slushy snow making travel very hard, Add 2 weeks to travel.

4 The storm creates many snow ridges and mounds making travel more difficult. Add 1 week to the journey.

5-6 The storm is more of a heavy drizzle and passes over without hindering the Warriors.


A random Warrior slips in the snow and falls, jarring his back. He receives 1D4 Wounds, with no modifiers.



To the left of the Warriors path, a group of young white apes can be seen. Although being (usually) kind of nature, the apes are quite thick skinned, and have thick white fur. Any Warrior may wander over and kill one, skinning it for it's fur. When the Warrior goes to a Norsca settlement he may have "thick furs" made from it at a third of the cost. However, the Warrior loses 1 Luck point for the next adventure for this act of barbarism.


A blood red moon sits high during the night, flooding a blanket of crimson over the snow. The light affects the Warriors in different ways, roll 1D6 for each one:

1 The Warrior is at +1 Movement for the rest of this adventure.

2 The Warrior is at +1 Luck for the remainder of this adventure.

3 The Warrior is at +1 Toughness for the remainder of this adventure.

4 The Warrior is at +1 Strength for the remainder of this adventure.

5 The Warrior is at +1 Weapon Skill for the remainder of this adventure.

6 The Warrior is at +1 Strength and +1 Toughness for the remainder of the adventure.


The Warriors are sitting around the camp fire one night when three shadowy figures step from the shadows. Weapons are reached for but is soon discovered that they are fellow adventurers. The group decides to lend them the fire to warm themselves and to swap stories. Roll 1D6:

1 The biggest of the three strangers suddenly stands up and quick as a flash there is a glint of steel in his hand, as he stabs the nearest Warrior, who takes 1D6+2 damage. By the time the Warriors have grabbed their weapons and their senses, the three have made off into the darkness, with a random treasure from a random Warrior.

2 The strangers hand one of their wine flasks around to the Warriors, who each partake of a sip. That night the Warriors sleep soundly, but awake to find the three gone, and 1D6 x 100 Gold from each Warrior.

3 Although the company seems trustworthy, their all night singing drives the Warriors to near insanity. -2 Wounds from lack of sleep.

4 While the group is talking the strangers say that they have found a treasure that they have no use for it and any Warrior may have it in exchange for a provision. Take a Treasure Card if the transaction is made.

5 The strangers tell the party that they have just been to the dungeon the Warriors are off to next. They also tell of it's many treasures and where to find a few of them. After each unexpected event combat roll a D6. On a 5-6 an extra treasure is found.

6 The strangers are obviously very experienced and offer their services for a price. Any Warrior may learn a new skill, for 800 Gold. This can only be done once per Warrior.


The Warriors find some recent foot prints in the snow, roll 1D6.

1 The foot prints are a Giants.

2 The foot prints are obviously a Yetis.

3 The foot prints look like a Minotaurs.

4 The foot prints look like Ogres.

5 The foot prints look like an Orcs.

6 They are Gobbo tracks for sure.

Now the Warriors can choose to follow the tracks if they wish, or continue. If they follow the tracks roll 1D4, and roll on the appropriate table:


1-2 The Warriors follow the huge tracks around a cliffy mountain and up to two white pillars. Within a few seconds the pillars move, and the Warriors discover that they are a giants legs. The Warriors are forced into a battle with the giant, as he is in a bad mood.

3-4 The Warriors follow the crater sized prints into a nearby cave. They find no trace of the giant, but they do find a pile of treasure! Each Warrior may take one Treasure Card.


1 The Yeti tracks take the Warriors around a bend where suddenly a great chorus of moans are heard, and the party is ambushed by 1D6+2 Yetis. (The Yetis have ambush for this combat.)

2-3 The Yeti tracks end with 1 Yeti who is crouched over and feasting on a deer. Roll 1D4 (1-2 he notices the Warriors, 3-4 he is unaware of the Warriors presence and they may leave this area if that wish.) If the Yeti does notice this intrusion then charges to attack them, flesh hanging from his mouth. Fight a battle with one Yeti.

4 At the end of the foot prints is a slain Yeti, next to him is also a slain dwarf. A random Warrior finds a treasure.


1 The Warriors come across a group of Minotaurs bathing in a magically hot spring. They look up at their approach and charge into battle. Fight a battle with 1D6+1 Minotaurs. When the Warriors defeat the creatures they may bathe in the hot spring, which rejuvenates 2D6 Wounds.

2 The Warriors follow the hoofed tracks to find a dead Minotaur lying on the ground, his back full of arrows. As the party approaches a howl is heard, as from surrounding snow rifts charge 1D6+4 Hobgoblins. Fight a battle.

3 The hoofed tracks lead to a large circle of stones, where upon further inspection, the Warriors find many slain priests of a religion unknown. The killer was obviously in haste for the bodies have not been searched. The Warriors search them to find 1D6 x 20 Gold each and a random Warrior finds a Treasure Card.

4 The Warriors follow the tracks until they break up into markings of what appears to be a battle. Blood spots cover the ground, and another trail of many more prints leads off. The Warriors decide to follow this trail which leads them into a wooded area, covered with snow. It finally goes into a clearing where they see a large fire, with Savage Orcs dancing and howling around it. They also see a large cage near the fire with Minotaur held captive within. The Warriors are about to leave, leaving the evil beast to it's fate when they realise it is a "White Minotaur", whose nobility and heroism is renowned throughout Norsca. The Warriors can now either leave and continue the journey, or charge into the campsite to cleave though the vile greenskins for what they have done. If they decide to fight have a battle with 1D8+2 Savage Orcs. When the creatures have been slain the Warriors release the white furred beast, who surprisingly speaks to them, although in a crude form. "Thankyou Warriors. I owe you the life in this body, and until you reach where ever you are going, my blade is yours," he says as he picks up a mighty axe from where it was leaning against a tree. For the remainder of the journey the Warriors are accompanied by the White Minotaur. Use the "Minotaur Champion" statistics for him. He is treated as a Warrior for the purpose of "random" Warrior events. However, he will not take treasure, and instead give it to another Warrior.


1 The heavy tracks end abruptly in a small Ogre village. The Warriors try to duck behind some cover but it is too late. They are seen and the inhabitants of the village attack. Fight a battle with 1D6+4 Ogres.

2 The deep prints end in a Ogre crouching by a group of stones sharpening his axe. The beefy brute turns to leave, seeing he is out numbered. The Warriors can let him go, or chase him down - resulting in a battle.

3 The trail ends in a settlement of Ogres next to and in a group of caves. The Warriors have not been spotted and can leave, but can attack if they wish, and search the caves. If the wish to attack they must fight a battle at the entrance to the cave, with 1D6+2 Ogres. Once this has been fought the Warriors may enter the cave. Treat this as a normal adventure. Special rules: Everytime monsters are rolled for, roll a D4, on a 3-4, 1D6+1 Ogres attack, replacing the usual roll. Once the Warriors have finished the cave they can either continue on the original adventure or head back to the settlement. This does not subtract from the number of adventures in Norsca the Warriors are allowed to have

4 The Warriors enter a snow covered woodland where the tracks end with an Ogre hanging by a rope from his leg, obviously caught in a trap. He see the group approach but is powerless to do anything about it. The Warriors now have two options. They can kill the Ogre, hacking and slashing at his hanging body, or they can cut the Ogre down and set him free. If the Warriors choose this option they Ogre nods to them and bounds off. Whenever the Warriors roll "Ogres" on the monster table roll 1D4. On a 3-4 the Ogre they have saved is among them and tells the other Ogres not to attack. Once this event has occurred once, it doesn't happen again.


1 The tracks lead to a weathered hut. When the party enters they see an orc sleeping. Unfortunately one of the Warriors slips and knocks over a vase, which topples noisily to the ground. The orc awakes and instantly cuts a rope on the side of the bed which is connected to a crossbow trap, which in turn, is mounted on the wall. The bolt hits a random Warrior who takes 1D6+4 damage. Then they must fight a battle with this Orc, but the hut is bare and they find no treasure.

2 The Warriors follow the tracks to where a lone Orc Shaman is humming and chanting around a green flame. He turns his head slightly, then spins hurling balls of green fire from his hands, hitting each Warrior for 1D6 damage, not modified for armour. The party must fight the Shaman.

3 The trail goes directly to a group of mountains and although the tracks die out, they have shown a faster path to their destination, through the cliffs. Deduct a week from travel.

4 The prints travel through a wooded area and lead into a clearing where a large group of orcs are congregated. There is a Shaman at the front of the group who is waving his arms around and chanting. Suddenly a purple haze engulfs the whole amount of orcs and the Warriors, obviously one of the shamans spells. As the spell was meant to be cast on the orcs, it should benefit the Warriors. Roll 1D6 on the following table:

1 The Warriors receive +1 Movement for the next adventure.

2 The Warriors receive -1 to Pinning for the next adventure.

3 The Warriors receive +1 Toughness for the next adventure.

4 The Warriors receive +1 Strength for the next adventure.

5 The Warriors receive +1 Weapon skill for the next adventure.

6 The Warriors receive +1 attack for the next adventure.


1 The tracks lead the Warriors straight into a goblin ambush! They must fight 3D6 Goblins + 1 Goblin Boss + 1 Goblin Fanatic.

2 The trail leads to two Goblin Squig Hunters arguing about who fell asleep and let all the Squigs run loose. They don't seem to notice the Warriors and they may pass if they wish, or they can attack. If they attack they must fight two Goblin Squig Hunters, accompanied by no squigs.

3 The trail fades out into nothingness and the Warriors must give up and continue the journey.

4 The Warriors are lead to a run down group of huts, which were obviously inhabited by Goblins. When the crude settlement is searched further, 1D8 x 20 Gold is found by each Warrior.


The Warriors come across a man coated in thick furs fishing out of a hole in the ice. Once the party has introduced themselves, he begins telling them a story about how, when he was younger, he was a renowned Yeti hunter. Throughout the exciting tale he touches upon some of the different ways he dispatched the Yetis. By the end of the yarn the Warriors have a higher knowledge about fighting these strange beasts, and for the rest of the adventure the Warriors get +1 to hit against Yetis. It's due to the strain of adventuring that the Warriors forget about these techniques after the next adventure.



The Warriors come across two men travelling with a wagon. They claim that they have been travelling for days and their cargo was slowing down their horse. They offer the Warriors some of their cargo, which is wine skins of beer, at a discount price. The Warriors who wish to take them up on the offer roll on the next table.

1 The two traders con the Warrior into buying 1D10 wineskins at 100 Gold each.

2 The traders manage to con the Warrior into buying 1D6 wineskins at 70 Gold each.

3 The Warrior manages to buy 1D6 wineskins at 50 Gold each.

4 The Warrior manages to buy 1D6 wineskins at 20 Gold each.

5-6 The Warrior manages to drive a hard bargain, getting 1D6 wineskins for free!

Once the transaction has been made the traders move along. The wineskins restore 1-2 Wounds when drunk.


The Warriors come across a set of familiar tracks. They are about to follow the trail when one the Warriors notice that it is their own tracks, and they have been wandering around in circles. This mishap add two weeks to travel.


The Warriors reach an ice lake and decide it will take too long to traverse around it. They decide to cross it. Just when they have almost reached the opposite side, one of the Warriors walks on some thin ice that cracks under him. He slips though the ice into the freezing water. His fellow adventurers manage to pull him out but he takes 1D6+2 damage, not modified for armour.


The Warriors come across a glowing stone in the ice. One of the Warriors picks it up and takes it with him feeling it will have great importance in the future. At any time during the dungeon the Warrior may use the stone to see the next 1D4 cards in the dungeon deck. This can only be used once.


One of the Warriors, when he was in the last settlement angered a shopkeeper by knocking over a display of priceless vases, destroying them all. The Warrior convinced the shop keeper that he would pay for the vases before he left the settlement, but forgot. The shop keeper has been chasing the Warrior and has finally caught up. He bursts into the group pointing to the Warrior in question. "You Pig Swine Scum," he yells. "You are in big trouble, you owe me a lot of Gold!" The Warrior tries to explain but the annoying man won't go away. He is forced to pay the shopkeeper 1D6 x 100 just to get rid of him.


The Warriors come across stone fort standing proud in the plains of snow. Roll 1D6:

1 As the Warriors pass the fort, shadowy figures are seen on the battlements and the whistle of arrows are heard piercing the air. The Warriors each take 1D6+4 Wounds.

2 As the Warriors pass the fort, a beast runs from the open draw bridge. The beast is a (Roll 1D6: 1-2 Yeti, 3-4 Minotaur, 5-6 Ogre). Fight a battle, but receive no treasure.

3-4 The Warriors discover the fort to be deserted and find 1D6 x 20 Gold.

5 The Warriors discover the fort to be deserted and find 1D6 x 100 Gold.

6 The fort is deserted. Each Warrior find 1 Treasure Card each.


A snow-storm has hindered the Warriors for days, when suddenly they see a small settlement. Only one of the buildings has a light on, that can be seen through the storm. When they get closer it seems to be a rowdy bar. There is boisterous singing as they enter and it doesn't take long for them to realise that all of the singing is about one man called 'Gaston' who is in the middle of them all. The Warriors order a drink and sit down. It is not long before the burly Gaston spots the new arrivals and trots over to them, "Well, a set of new faces" he says confidently, sitting down with them. "Hey, you boys look like sturdy lads, know your way around a fighting pit eh?, well their must be something the mighty Gatson can teach you, for a small fee of course." If a Warrior wishes to take Gaston up on his offer, pay him 1D6 x 100 Gold and roll 1D6 on the following table:

1 Gaston takes money and smiles saying "This is what I will teach you - don't be so gullible!" He chuckles to himself and orders another drink. Your Warrior thinks about taking his money back by force but knowing how much the rest of the taverns patrons idolise Gaston he decides against it.

2 Gaston grabs a bow that is beside the table and shows your Warrior a few tips about archery, finishing with firing an arrow into the bullseye in a dart board across the room. The Warrior gets -1 Ballistic Skill when using a bow for the next 1D3 adventures.

3 Gaston whips out two dice which he throws again and again always coming up with double 6s. Gaston picks up one of the dice and unscrews it into two parts, showing that it is weighted on the number one so the six will always come up when it is rolled. "The way to true luck is through trickery, friend - don't forget." The Warrior gets +1 non permanent luck.

4-5 Gaston pulls out his sword and starts parring, spinning and hacking at the air, dazzling the Warrior and showing him a few things he didn't know before. The Warrior receives +1 Weapon Skill for the next 2 adventures.

6 Gaston bends over and start to whisper something in the Warriors ear about piercing armour. The Warrior can now ignore 1 point of armour when attacking.


The Warriors are walking through the snow when they discover. Roll 1D6:

1 They are surprised to see a worker orc (peon) just standing there confused with a sack on his shoulder. When the party slaughter the worker they find 100 Gold in the sack.

2 They come across an old dwarf prospector who looks up at their approach. Suddenly his eyes widen when he realises who they are. "WHAT? NO, I CAME HERE TO GET AWAY FROM YOU! MUST YOU FOLLOW ME AN TORMENT ME SO?" he shouts in somewhere between disbelief and desperation. Before the Warriors can do anything else he runs off blindly into the snow yelling "CURSE YOU WARRIORS AND YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN AND THERE CHILDRENS ..." The Warriors shrug and walk on.

3 The Warriors come across a strange magical oasis in the snow which is warm and peaceful. The Warriors may rest here and gain 1D6 Wounds each. In addition, the Warriors pick t he fruits from the trees, gathering enough for 1 extra provision each.

4 The Warriors come to what looks like a series of large rocks glowing an odd green colour. Any wizard in the party may receive an extra 1D6 power.

5 The Warriors come across a small hut jutting out from the snow. They soon find no-one to be home but there is a perfect blade sharpening set. The Warriors may sharpen all of their blade weapons, giving +1 damage for the next adventure. Doing this adds another week of travel.

6 A random Warrior slips on an icy stone to falls face first in a pile of Yeti excrement at first he is angered at his clumsiness but then feels oddly better. He finds the Yeti's waste to have a strange potent healing factor. He gains 1D6+3 Wounds. Only two others may partake in this strange ritual for there is only so many ingredients to go around.


The temperature has been quite low recently and all but one of the Warriors has caught a cold. They are at -1 Toughness (minimum of 1) for (roll 1D4: 1-2 the next adventure, 3-4 the remainder of the journey).


The Warriors are walking through a snow drenched valley when one of the Warriors decides to touch up on his yodeling, letting out a boisterous call. Moments later after the other Warriors have beaten him up for his foolishness, a deep rumbling is heard and tons of snow can be seen flowing towards the valley. Each Warrior must roll under their "Movement" on 1D8. The Warriors who passed the test only receive some of the snow on top of them receiving 2D6+2 damage modified only for toughness. The Warriors who fail the test are caught in the full force of the avalanche which causes 4D6+2 damage modified for toughness only.



The Warriors come across a group of "White Apes" who stare at the Warriors as they try and skirt the area. If the Warriors have killed young white apes in the past and still have a fur on them then they are charged by 1D4 apes, who each inflict 1D6+2 damage each on each Warrior before they are slain. Only the total damage is modified. Otherwise the Warriors proceed unharmed.


The adventurers come to a ransacked hut with Gold and jewels casually strewn around the base. The Warriors seeing the Gold march on over to the hut, only to have fallen into an ambush! Roll on the monster table one higher than the Warriors for what ambushes them, use common sense when rolling for the beasts. Apart from the usual treasure there is 100 Gold lying around the hut for each Warrior.


Two random Warriors start arguing about the Gold distribution in the last adventure. They get so angry about it they start having fist fights, for 1D6 rounds. Treat the fight as normal. Nothing is accomplished by this unless one of the Warriors is "Knocked Out" (they can not be killed), in which case the winner can take as much Gold as he wishes from the loser. The others may fight him for it of course, in the same way as above.


The travellers come to a group of dead orcs who obviously were killed and half eaten by Yetis. Of course the Yetis have not taken their possessions and they are there for the Warriors to take. Each Warrior may take 1 Treasure Card.


Towards dusk the travellers come to an old cemetery tormented by the winds of time. The Warriors are debating whether or not to pass through it, when skeletons from the graves burst through the earth in front of them. The Warriors draw their weapons but the skeletons make no effort to attack, instead they spasm into a strange demonic dance, which gives off a strange energy. Roll 1D6:

1 Each Warrior loses 1 permanent Wound.

2 Each Warrior loses 1D6 Wounds, no modifiers.

3 The Warriors are unaffected.

4 The Warriors start dancing too, against their will.

5 The Warriors gain 1 permanent Wound.

6 The Warriors gain 1D3 permanent Wounds.

After this strange occurrence the skeletons bones fall to the ground.


Trudging through a heavy storm a random Warrior is hit by a bolt of lightning. The Warrior takes 1D6 Wounds damage per Battle Level.


The Warriors hear noises from the path ahead of them. Quickly they duck for cover over a nearby snow ridge to get a better look at what kind of trouble they're facing at. Soon the Warriors discover that the noise was made by (roll 1D6):

1 Roll for Monsters 2 levels above current Battle Level.

2-3 Roll for Monsters 1 level above current Battle Level.

4 Roll for Monsters on current battle level.

5-6 Roll for Monsters one level below current battle level.

The Warriors are spotted on a roll of 8 or less on 2D6, and the monsters attack. Otherwise the Warriors have a choice of battling the monsters of letting them past.


The merry group stumble across a huge hole in the icy ground. The Warriors peer over the edge and see endless darkness. Suddenly a loud "Crack" is heard and the Warriors realise that there is no real ground under them, only ice. Another crack sends the Warriors running in the opposite direction. The ice around the hole starts to crumble inwards and a wave of crumbling ice chases the Warriors. Roll a D6 for each Warrior:

1 The Warrior only just makes it, leaping at the end of the run, grabbing on to the edge of the ground. The other Warriors can pull him up (if they made it) but he is too heavy and he has to discard two items of treasure or half his Gold.

2 The Warrior makes it to a safe area but finds he has lost a random piece of treasure!

3-6 The Warrior makes it safely.


A random Warrior, while searching through his backpack, finds a random treasure is broken, due to his clumsiness, and is now useless!


The Warriors have come across a heaped pile of treasure! Each Warrior may take 1 Treasure Card. However, after they have collected the loot, roll 1D6. If a 1 or a 2 is rolled, they are Ambushed by (Roll twice on the Monster Table).



An icy rain of scarlet pours down on the Warriors, covering the snow in blood. The Warriors can see no cover and are forced to trudge on through the strange phenomenon. The rain effects the adventurers in different ways. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior.

1 The rain burns at the Warriors flesh causing it to blister and crack. He now has -2 permanent Wounds.

2 The rain makes the Warrior dizzy and he has to try hard to remain focused. He loses -1 Initiative permanently.

3 At first the Warrior worried about the odd rain but suffers no ill effects, save a cold chill.

4 The heavy steps the Warrior once took suddenly feel lighter and easier! The rain seems to give strength to tired bones. He gains +1 Movement for the next adventure.

5 The rain makes the Warrior feel a new strength within his bones. + 1 Strength for the next adventure.

6 The Warriors skin hardens and at one point it seems unbearable, but then it eases slightly. Gain +1 to Toughness permanently.


The Warriors come across a huge Mammoth, slain and left in the snow. Half of it has been sliced up and is being roasted on a large bonfire, which at least for the time being, is deserted. If the Warriors stop and eat here they are healed to full Wounds, but on a roll of 1 or 2 on a D6 the creators of the fire return. Roll for Monsters 1 Battle Level higher then the Warriors, and fight a battle.


The Warriors stumble across a huddled body in the snow. Dark blood flows from the folds of its white robes. The Warriors slowly turn him over to see what they already guessed, it was one of the frost clan, his white bony features splattered with blood. His Wounds seem mendable but he will need a bandage, or other healing item. If the Warriors cannot heal him they must leave him and continue. If they do heal him, he coughs and splutters but manages to sit up. Suddenly white robed forms appear on the horizon, and beckon for the party's wounded kin to be brought to them, which the Warriors may do. Roll 1D6: on a 1-3 nothing happens and the clan disappear. On a 4-6 an eerie blue light surrounds the adventurers, and a flush of power flows over them. Each Warrior receives either +1 Toughness or Strength for the next adventure.


The group is making good progress when suddenly one of a random Warrior draws his weapon and attacks a fellow Warrior! He is crazed by a strange magic and will fight his target with his usual weapon. His fellow Warriors must get him down to half Wounds before he finally clears his thoughts and comes to his senses. If the Warrior is just too good and winning is futile then the Warriors may attempt to flee (by escaping pinning). They then will have to continue the journey without the crazed one, rolling on the Norse Hazard Table themselves.. The crazed one finally regains control of himself after a week and must meet his friends at the next Settlement, rolling for Hazards himself. But for the next adventure, if a 1 is rolled in the power phase, he becomes crazed again, and will fight a Warrior as above. He will only attack for one turn at a time, after which he snaps out of it.


The Warriors are passing through a cliffy area, when suddenly a crazed orc call is heard. They look up to see an orc leaping off of an overhanging cliff onto the party! He lands on a random Warrior, inflicting 3D6 damage, before dying. The Warrior then heaves the greenskin off him cursing his luck.


The icy ground pulses with the black veins of chaos, and the Warriors feel a strange yearning for carnage. For the next battle the Warriors go into a blood rage, doubling their strength. Once their want for bloodshed has subsided, things return to normal.


The Warriors are walking through a wooded area when suddenly a man comes running at them clad in furs that are stained in his own blood. "COME," he says in desperation, "Come and save my village! So many! So many!" One of the Warriors grabs him by the shoulders and shakes the insanity from him," What attacked you man?" he says. "YETIS!!" With that, he dies in the Warriors arms. Up ahead the sounds of battle can be heard. The Warriors can now either continue their journey or go to help the villagers. If they help the village, they find that 2D6 Yetis are slaughtering the townsfolk, but they turn their attention to the Warriors as they enter, and seeing them to be a bigger threat charge them. Fight a battle with the Yetis. The Warriors are rewarded with 200 Gold each for their help if they survive.


The Adventurers approach a tall olive skinned man clothed in a thick black cloak. He call the Warriors over to him and asks whether they are interested in a business proposition. He tells the Warriors that they can each purchase 1 luck amulet which stores 1D4 Luck points, and costs 150 Gold. This luck is, of course, not permanent. He then continues on his way.


The Warriors are approached by a troop of soldiers. Roll 1D6:

1-2 When the soldiers are a reasonable distance away from the adventurers they suddenly point at a random Warrior and yell "Traitor!" Pulling their swords out they charge at the Warrior in question. The Warrior sees that explanations are out of the question, and looks to his friends for assistance. They join the battle. Each Warrior must roll 1D6 for each Battle Level he has. Take the total of these numbers from 50. The remainder is the amount of damage the Warrior receives from the battle, with modifiers. They find nothing of interest on the soldiers.

3 The soldiers and the Warriors stand their ground, unsure of the next move. Roll again on this table, adding +1 to the roll.

4-5 The soldiers walk up casually to the Warriors with welcome smiles. They actually do know who the Warriors are and are honoured to meet them, shaking their hands heartedly. They give the Warriors an extra 3 provisions each. They then continue on their way.

6 The soldiers march up to the Warriors and kneel before them. "Hail King El'Heldon, ruler of peace and justice!" they chant at a random Warrior. They then begin to give that Warrior gifts saying it was from a recent battle. Now, the Warrior can deny he is their king, or he can go along with the charade and receive two Treasure Cards.


During the night the random Warrior on watch is surprised by a magical green flame that suddenly ignites over his whole body. Finally the flames stop, but not before they inflict 2D6 Wounds, unmodified. The Warrior guesses it must have been a wizard he has crossed throughout his travels, one that had it in for him.



The Warriors are met on the trail by a group of soldiers who claim they are heading off to slay a mighty Ice Dragon that has been causing considerable damage and death in the surrounding villages. They ask the Warriors if they would help them in their quest. If the Warriors take the soldiers up on their offer they travel with them to the resting place of the beast, who is there on any other roll than a 1 (in which case the Warriors continue the journey). The battle is a furious one, but after must bloodshed, and 4D6 Wounds taken from each Warrior, the dragon is dead. Each of the Warriors is rewarded with 1000 Gold, from the Dragon treasure horde.


The Warriors come across a temple entrance in the snow, covered in blood and shaped in the form of an open demon mouth. If they decide to go in, shuffle 2 dungeon cards and place the Idol Chamber Objective Room card at the bottom of these. Play this as a normal adventure only roll 1 level higher on the Monster Tables, including the Objective Room Monster tables.. Once the creatures have been vanquished all Warriors receive an objective room treasure.


The adventurers find a secret path through a wooded area, and find they have cut 2 weeks from travel.


During a rest break in the afternoon a random Warrior spots a wild boar, which he may try and hunt. Roll 1D6:

1-2 The Warrior sneaks close to the boar, and then, waiting for the right moment pounces. The boar slips out of his grasp easily and the shocked adventurer lands face down in a puddle of slushy mud. Pulling himself up he looks over to the his fellow adventurers who are all laughing boisterously at the entertainment.

3-4 The Warrior finds the boar to be too quick for him and loses him quickly. Shrugging he walks away believing today was just not his lucky day.

5-6 With a mighty pounce the boar is in his hands squealing and snorting. He quickly breaks its neck, and begins preparations for cooking it up. He manages to get 5 provision out of it.


Moving through rocky area, specked with trees, the Warriors realise they are being followed. Finally the stalker shows itself and jumps down from a nearby outcrop. It is a snow leopard! Roll 1D6. On anything but a 6 the creature attacks and inflicts 2D6 Wounds on a random Warrior before being slain by the remaining Warriors. If a 6 was rolled a random Warrior stares deep into the beasts eyes, which is followed by an eerie silence. Finally the leopard darts off. But the Warrior cannot help but feel somewhat bettered by this experience. He may add 1 non permanent luck.


The Warriors enter a small destroyed village. Bodies lay slain in the snow drenching it in crimson. What survivors are left run to their side and beg that something be down about this. The town elder explains that a demon called "Oragrom" devastated the town, with his minions. They know he lives in caves not far from here and implore the Warriors to go and slay him. If they take up the challenge they must immediately play another adventure an normal, but with half normal dungeon cards and with Oragrom in the Objective Room as well as any other beasties that are rolled. The stats for Oragrom are as follows:














6 (8)











Magic Dispel 4+, Magic Resistance 6+, Magic Weapon, Magic Armour, Magic Item.

Oragrom can never truly die he is instead banished to hell, when "killed". Once the dungeon has been completed the villages give the Warrior 1 Treasure Card each.


The adventurers come across a grove of small blue mushrooms. These rare items are renowned for having strange effects on whoever eats them. Any Warrior may feast on these mushrooms, then roll 1D6 on the table:

1 The Warrior feels dizzy and falls over. Subtract -1 Initiative and Movement for the next adventure.

2 The Warrior feels weak and sits down for a moment. Subtract -1 Strength for the next adventure.

3 The Warrior feels strengthened somehow. Add +1 Strength for the next adventure.

4 The Warrior feels like his skin is toughened. Add +1 Toughness for the next adventure.

5 The Warrior feels a new power flowing through him. Add +1 Strength for the next adventure. In addition roll 1D6. On a roll of 6 the change is permanent.

6 The Warrior feels a surge pain through his body. Add +1 Toughness for the next adventure. In addition roll 1D6. On a roll of 6 the change is permanent.


A foul stench hangs in the air, making the Warriors cough and gag. The Warriors contract a disease making them suffer -1 to all attributes, apart from attacks and damage dice. The disease can be cured at a settlement for 150 Gold.


While the Warriors are sitting around the camp fire a random Warrior is counting his Gold. Suddenly he realises that (1D6 x his Battle Level x 10) of his Gold is not real Gold but fools Gold and useless! He tosses this Gold aside and settles down to sleep, cursing his luck.


As the Warriors turn around a bend in the road, a large cart hurtles past them with an old man and woman chasing after it. They shout out for assistance as they chase their belongings down the road. If the Warriors decide to help roll 1D6 on the following table.

1 The Warriors all turn to run at once causing them to fall over themselves in a big heap. The cart then swerves and crashes into a tree, spilling and ruining all of the contents onto the ground. Feeling ashamed the Warriors continue on their way. -1 Luck each until the next settlement is reached. If any Warrior has used all of his Luck, then he loses 1D6 Wounds instead.

2 The Warriors charge after the run away cart and reach it just as it flies off a cliff. It sails though the air briefly before it plummets to its destruction. The Warriors feel so bad about these nice folks losing all of their belongings that they each give them 1D6 x 50 Gold.

3-4 The Warriors manage to stop the cart in time. The two old people finally catch up and are very pleased that they have not lost all of their possessions. They thank the Warriors. The group of Warriors then walk off, feeling a sense of pride.

5 The Warriors manage to stop the cart before it crashes. The owners turn out to be quite rich and reward the Warriors with 1D6 x 100 Gold between them.

6 The Adventurers stop the cart before any damage can be done. The incredibly wealthy owners reward the Warriors with a Treasure Card each.



During the weeks travel, a random Warrior finds a strange amulet. He may use this amulet once on any Monster in line of sight. Roll a D6. On a roll of 3-6 it hits and instantly takes the creature down to 1 Wound. On a score of 1-2 it explodes, taking the Warrior who used it down to 1 Wound instead. Once used, discard.


The Warriors are walking across a frozen lake, when suddenly a huge fish head smashes through the ice right under a random Warrior. Roll 1D6:

1 The speed of the attack was too fast and the strength of the creature too great for the Warrior, and he is quickly eaten. The beast then dives down under the sheet of ice again. The Warrior is dead.

2 The mouth of the fish closes around the Warrior, breaking a few ribs. He then manages to escape its grasp and the fish dives down into the water again. The Warrior is at -1 Weapon Skill until healed for 1D6 x 200 Gold at a Settlement.

3-4 The nose of the fish pushes the Warrior up into the air, sending him crashing to the ground, taking 1D6+4 Wounds.

5-6 The Warrior jumps the path of the hungry beast escaping its gnashing jaws. The monster submerges and the Warriors make a hasty run for the opposite edge of the lake.


Just as the Warriors are getting used to a relaxing week of travel a huge thunder clap is heard from the sky. Boulder upon boulder of molten rock comes crashing down on top of the shocked Warriors. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior. This is how many molten boulders hit the Warrior. Each one bashes 3D6 damage out of the Warrior. Subtract Toughness and Armour from the total damage caused. The surviving Warriors may continue the journey.


The Warriors join a fellow adventurers' campfire to talk about recent adventures and recent treasures. Later on that night a legend comes up about an unholy circle of dark beings known as "Dark Lords". Apparently their have been many sightings of the Lords recently. From know on every time the Warriors enter an Objective Room in Norsca, pick the highest Battle Level between them and roll 1D6 for every 2 levels. The number of sixes rolled is the number of Dark Lords which appear and join in the battle.
























- (Chill 1)

Magic Dispel 6+, Ethereal, Fear 6, Ignore Blow 6+, Necromantic Magic 1.

Dark Lords are undead warlords from great Norse armies, brought back to protect important treasures. They are a few feet higher than a barbarian, and have the fearsome features of a great Norse fighter.

The Warriors thank the fellow adventurers for the tip and have a good nights sleep.


Late one night a random Warrior is grabbed in his sleep by a group of monsters. When the others awaken and come off watch they discover him missing and a set of foot prints in the snow. They follow the prints to a cave. Obviously they wish to find their friend, so they enter the cave. Play this as a normal adventure but use only 1 dungeon card, and one objective room card, place accordingly. When the Warriors reach the objective room place the kidnapped Warrior in the far end of the room. Place a Necromancer next to him. The Warrior is bound by thick ropes, and is about to be sacrificed to the monsters chaos god. Roll for monsters as in a dungeon room (Do not roll on the objective monsters table). At the start of every turn the Necromancer will stab the bound Warrior for 1D6 unmodified damage, trying to sacrifice him. If he dies, he may not be healed by any of his possessions because they are not on him, or any provisions or bandages belonging to other Warriors unless they are adjacent to him. The Necromancer will stop stabbing the Warrior if he is in close combat. The Warriors possession's are found after the battle is won. Work treasure out as normal, although no Objective Room treasure is found.


The Warriors approach a dark blue portal, standing vertically up from the ground. If the Warriors step through the portal roll 1D6:

1 The Warriors have been teleported back to the dungeon entrance and must start the journey again.

2-4 The Warriors emerge on the other side of the portal, having gone nowhere.

5-6 Luckily the portal takes them directly to their destination unscathed.


The endless snow sends the Warriors around in circles. Add +2 weeks to travel time.


The Warriors come across a huge treasure horde left in the snow after what looks like a recent battle. Roll 1D6 for the whole group of Warriors to see what goodies they find.

1 The Warrior ends up finding only 1D6 x 100 Gold.

2 The Warrior finds 1D6 x 200 Gold and 1 Treasure Card.

3 The Warrior finds 1D6 x 300 Gold and 2 Treasure Cards.

4 The Warrior finds 2D6 x 200 Gold and 3 Treasure Cards.

5 The Warrior finds 2D6 x 200 Gold and 1 Objective Room treasure.

6 The Warrior finds 3D6 x 200 Gold, 1 Objective Room treasure and 1 Treasure Card.

Then roll 1D6. If a 6 is rolled, roll another D6 to see what else they find. Keep repeating the above procedure until no more treasure is found. Add the total amount of treasure together and divide it evenly amongst the Warriors.


While the Warriors are walking a random Warrior feels a sharp pain in his leg. He looks down to see a snake with its fangs embedded in his leg. He quickly rips it from his body, and throws it away, but the damage has already been done. The Warrior feels the poison spreading already. The Warrior has no choice but to amputate the leg, reducing movement to 1, and taking an immediate 4D6 Wounds unmodified. At the Norse Seaport he may have a wooden leg made for him at the Norse Wares shop for 150 Gold. This gives him +2 Movement. The maximum Movement a Warrior with only one leg can have is 3 (unless of course, he has a magic item adding to his movement). If his leg is taken off his friends have to carry him between the Dungeon and the Settlement, doubling the time it takes to travel. He is at half WS (rounding up), until he gets a new leg. Once he acquires his wooden leg he is permanently at -1 Weapon Skill (minimum 1). If this event happens to the same Warrior again, the snake bites his wooden leg and nothing happens.


The Warriors are travelling across a large flat area of snow, when suddenly a trumpet sounds to the right, then another to the left! Suddenly a large troop of men move into view on the right, and then a large group of orcs show them selves to the left. The Warriors start to walk with a bit more haste but it is too late! Another horn is blown on either side and they both charge at each other, the Warriors being in the middle of the two! Before long the hordes are upon them, fighting each other mercilessly. The Warriors have no choice but to fight their way out to the other side. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior:

1 The Warrior is caught in a savage onslaught of hacks and slashes, causing him much damage before he manages to get out of the battle. He is hit 2D6 times, each causing 1D6+4 damage.

2 The Warrior starts off fighting well, but a hit to the back of his head sends him sprawling to the ground. Then he is trampled by the fighting Warriors and only just manages to get free of the battle zone. He receives 3D6 Wounds, unmodified, from the trampling.

3 The fight goes well for the Warrior and he holds his own until reaching a safe distance from the battle.

4-5 The Warrior is up to his usual form, hacking and slashing the enemies down before him. He also manages to grab some fallen Gold on his way out. Add 1D6 x 50 Gold.

6 The Warrior goes into a frenzy, slicing and chopping his way through the ranks. Finally he reaches an Orc Warlord who he fells by a strong hack to the chest. He then grabs a piece of treasure from the Warlord before hacking his way out of the area of battle. Take a Treasure Card.



The Warriors come to a glowing glade seemingly untouched by the harsh environment. Any Warrior entering the glade will instantly have any disease, illness, ailment, or lost limb instantly healed back to normal. In addition he is healed back to full Wounds.


The Warriors come to an old hut in the snow. They find an old hermit sitting by himself. He offers the Warriors a place to stay for the night. If they stay roll 1D6:

1-2 Just after the Warriors have gone to sleep the hermit puts a curse on them, for he hates adventurers always troubling him. The next battle the Warriors are in, all damage from their weapons is reduced by 2.

3-6 The Warriors feel well rested and have gained back all of their Wounds. They thank the hermit and continue on their way.


A random Warrior falls down a pit covered with snow, and pierces himself on one of the many spikes below. He immediately takes 3D6 Wounds, and it takes a few hours to get him out if no one has a rope, or levitate spell, in which case he bleeds for another 1D6 unmodified damage.


The adventurers find a dead body strewn on the road. At first they think it is just a poor man slain for his belongings, but then they see it is a great hero, one of the greatest Warriors ever. A solemn silence comes over them as they realise that no matter how powerful a Warrior becomes, he still runs the risk of being over run by the evil creatures of this land. They bury the body that has already been ransacked by savaging thieves.


The group is making good progress when suddenly a wave of energy passes over them knocking them to the ground. On the horizon a dark warlock can be seen, but by the time the Warrior have stood up he is gone without a trace. For the next battle no spells can be cast be the Warriors.


The Warriors come to a bridge across a large ravine. At the beginning of the bridge is a large black man sharpening a huge carving knife. As the Warriors approach he begins to speak. "You want to cross the bridge, eh. Well only if you can beat me in an arm wrestle." The Warriors must pick the strongest one between them. That Warrior then sits down at a make-shift table adjacent to the huge bridge keeper. Roll 2D6 for the Warrior and add his strength. Then roll 2D6 for the bridge keeper and add his strength of 5. If the Warrior's total is higher, he wins and the party crosses the bridge without further incident. If the result is a draw, or the Warrior scored below the bridge keepers, he has lost and the party must make a huge detour around the ravine adding 4 weeks to travel. Of course they can attack and kill the man if they wish and then cross. If this is what they wish, fight a battle, if they win they can cross.

























He fights with his huge cleaver which causes an extra 5 damage on a 6+ to hit.


The Warriors come to a deep hole in the ground. Vine like tendrils trail down into its depths, which fades away into darkness. If the Warriors wish they may descend the into hole using the vines as ropes. If they choose to, roll 1D6 for the whole party:

1-2 A random Warrior loses his grip and falls from the vine! Roll 1D6.

1-2 The Warrior falls to his death on the rocky floor of the pit. The other adventurers meet his corpse at the bottom.

3-6 The Warrior is grabbed by another random Warrior, and is swung back to the vine. Finally the bottom of the pit is reached.

3-6 The Warriors descend safely to the bottom of the pit.

Treat the pit as a normal Norse Ice Cavern only with the following changes.

  • There are two Objective Rooms shuffled into the lower half of the dungeon deck. Only after the second Objective Room has been cleared of monsters do the Warriors find a secret set of stairs leading up to daylight.
  • After every battle all Warriors roll for Gold as well as the usual treasure.

If the Warriors need to they can flee back up the vine, rolling on the same chart they used to come down. Of course, they have to make their way back to the entrance of the Cavern before they can do this.


The Warriors come across a strange old lady with a tall mirror. The woman beckons them over and tells them of the mirrors properties. She says that the mirror rewards the good and punishes the evil. She then offers it to the Warriors so they can gaze on their inner soul, for a small cost of 400 Gold of course. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior who looks into the mirror:

1 The Warrior looks at the mirror and sees the truth about himself. Apparently he is not as good a Warrior as he thought he was. Suddenly the mirror flashes red and the Warrior feels weak and falls to the ground. When he awakens he is at 1 Wound.

2 The Warrior stands in front of the mirror for a few moment. Nothing happens, so he shrugs and gives the mirror back to the old woman.

3 The Warrior feels a brilliance shower over him and gains +1 non-permanent luck.

4 The Warrior stares into the mirror and feels strengthened. He gains +1 strength for the next adventure.

5 The Warrior feels his flesh toughening and strengthening. He gains +1 Toughness for the next adventure.

6 The Warrior feels a wave of mental strength surge over him. It reveals to him a way of controlling his innermost fears. He may permanently add +1 to all fear rolls.


The group is passing under a overhanging cliff, when one of the stalactites gives way and hurtles down towards the Warriors. A random Warrior is hit directly in the head, causing him to lose 3D6 Wounds with no modifiers. If the Warrior is wearing a helmet, he may subtract the helmets armour from the damage, but roll 1D6. On a 1-2 the helmet is damaged beyond use and must be thrown away.


A random Warrior is bitten by an exotic insect, and contracts a fever. Day and night he is tormented by this ailment, throwing his body into hot and cold flushes. While in this state he is at -1 to Strength, Weapon Skill, Movement, and Attacks (minimum of 1 each). The fever can be healed at a settlement for 400 Gold.



As the Warriors are crowded around the campfire one night, a great wailing rises in the wind. Suddenly the campfire bursts into a bright blue flame, rising high into the night air. Then a figure appears in the flames. It is the figure of Sigmar himself! He begins to speak. "I have been watching you, Warriors, and I have noted your good deeds. I will repay you for this, and bid you to continue to rid the land of evil." With that he vanishes. Each Warrior may roll 1D6. On a roll of 6, Sigmar rewards the Warrior with 2 points of which he can distribute amongst any of his attributes, apart from Damage Dice, Attacks and Movement. No more than 1 point may be assigned to any one attribute.

Hazards by Ben Head.