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Nehekhara is a harsh land of death, consisting completely of a great desert, spotted with hills and covered with ancient pyramids.

For thousands of years, the kings of Nehekhara and their soldiers were mummified and entombed beneath the pyramids, until a great Necromancer, Nagash, tried to make himself the ruler of all of Nehekhara and its people. The kings of Nehekhara rejected his rule and eventually defeated him. As revenge, Nagash unleashed a terrible plague upon the land, which destroyed all the cities and killed every living thing. Then he performed a great ritual which awakened the Tomb Kings and their buried armies.

But the Tomb Kings were angry that they were raised by evil magic before their time. Instead of mighty immortal gods, they were tattered mummies, their armies nothing more than skeletons. They defeated Nagash yet again and finally drove him out of Nehekhara.

Settra, the first and mightiest of all the Tomb Kings of Nehekhara was one of the Tomb Kings raised prematurely by Nagash. Furious, Settra returned the Tomb Kings to their eternal rest in the great pyramids. He commanded all of his Liche Priests to watch over the tombs and awake his armies of undead in case Nagash ever returned.

To this day, the Undead of Nehekhara fight for supremacy of the pyramids and against anyone who dares invade their tombs.

These days, Nehekhara is more commonly known as the Land of the Dead. It was common for the kings to be buried in pyramids with their vast riches which they had accumulated during their reign, and it is this that draws adventurers from the Old World.

Most human life in Nehekhara is found within the great Pharaoh’s Cities that have been rebuilt. Pharaohs govern over these cities, usually cruelly and with little mercy.

These are the only human settlements in Nehekhara and are as majestic as they are huge. Human settlements number only a handful as most of the region is vastly overrun with the forces of the undead and lies in ruin.


Playing adventures in Nehekhara are just like playing them in the Old World except for the following new rules.

Getting to Nehekhara
To journey to Nehekhara, the Warriors may either travel by foot or seek passage on a ship.

To travel by boat, the Warriors must journey to a Seaport. Once there, any Warrior can search for a Captain that is going to Nehekhara. Although uncommon, some trading goes on with the shoreline settlements just below the Black Gulf.

To search for a Captain, a Warrior has to roll on the Harbour Events Table, which means heading down to the Harbour for a day. At the Harbour, a Warrior must roll on the Harbour Events Table instead of the normal Settlement Events Table. If a Captain is found, roll 1D6. On a roll of 1-2 the ship leaves tomorrow; on a roll of 3-4 the ship leaves the day after tomorrow; on a roll of 5-6 the Warriors have a further 2 days before the ship leaves. The cost of the voyage is 1D6x200 Gold for each Warrior, because the travel is long and food and crew hire is not cheap.

For each month’s events roll on the Lost Kingdom Ocean Events table. Note that if any event states something along the lines of “Go directly to the Lost Kingdoms” take it as going directly to Nehekhara.

If they desire, or if the Warriors cannot afford the cost of the boat trip, they may elect to walk to Nehekhara. This is incredibly perilous and takes 3D6+10 weeks. Half of the events must be rolled on the normal Hazards Table, with the other half being rolled on the Nehekharan Hazards Table.

The Warriors arrive in Nehekhara at a Pharaoh’s City with a Seaport and must abide by the rules there (refer to the Pharaoh’s Cities rules).

New Wilderness Rules
Use the Nehekhara Desert Hazard Table instead of the Old World Hazard Table.

The wilderness is literally a desert and the Warriors must consume water regularly. Each Warrior must drink one skin of water for every week of travel. If a Warrior goes without water for a week he takes 4 unmodified Wounds from dehydration. If another week is spent without water then the Warrior takes 8 unmodified damage, another week, 16 Wounds, and so on. When the Warrior reaches 0 Wounds he is dead and cannot be healed by bandages or provisions. If the Warrior drinks water then the above process begins anew the next time he goes without water.

Note that other forms of liquid such as healing or other potions may be used to quench the Warriors’ thirst.

The only settlement the Warriors can travel to in Nehekhara is a Pharaoh’s City – all other minor settlements are in ruins and filled with death and decay.

From the end of the adventure it takes 1D3+5 weeks to reach a Pharaoh’s City and 1D6+5 weeks to reach a Pharaoh’s City with a Seaport.

New Dungeon Rules
Use the Nehekhara Pyramid Events Table instead of the Old World Dungeon Events Table while in Nehekhara.

Warriors in Nehekhara will adventure in great Pyramids filled with traps and monsters. The Tomb Kings of Nehekhara had lots of traps built into their tombs to stop invaders from stealing their treasure.

If, at the end of a combat, the Warriors are required to roll to see how much Gold they find, roll 1D6 and take that many Nehekharan Treasures instead. This roll is for the entire party, not for each separate Warrior and the Nehekharan Treasures should be divided between the Warriors as evenly as possible.

New Settlement Rules
Use the Pharaoh’s City Event Table, instead of the Old World Settlement Events Table.

Refer to the following section on Pharaoh’s Cities for expanded rules on Settlements in Nehekhara.

Leaving Nehekhara
The Warriors must travel to a Pharaoh’s city with a Seaport if they wish to travel back by sea, otherwise they can make the hazardous walk back to the Old World.


A Pharaoh’s City is a grand city made of sandstone and marble. It is always governed by a Pharaoh, whom is usually a cruel dictator. By his side is his trustworthy Vizier, or adviser. This person gives the Warriors adventures to go on, in most cases.

The city is kept under a strict watch by the Pharaoh’s guards who know little of mercy, and exercise an iron fist. Then there are the common folk who tend shops and generally live a poor existence. But the majority of the cities population is made up of slaves who are whipped into making and maintaining the great cities.

Settlement Rules
All the usual locations from the Old World are found in Nehekhara, although due to the rare nature of the human settlements, they are all considered to be Special Locations and require an 8 or over on 3D6 to be found. The exception to this is the General Store; this is the only normal location in a Nehekharan Settlement. Warriors’ Special Locations such as individual training areas etc, are found on a 10+, but this is only at a Pharaoh’s City that has a Seaport. Pharaoh’s Cities that have a port endure the foreigner’s presence, because they wish to keep up some trading. Pharaohs that have their cities inland have no care for foreigners and do not allow them to settle in their cities.

Whenever a multiple of 10 is rolled on the Pharaoh’s City Event Table, refer to the Pharaoh’s Guards rules, later in this document.

All living expenses are doubled.

Once the Warriors have spent more than 2 weeks in the Pharaoh’s City roll on the Pharaoh’s City Catastrophic Event Table instead of the normal Settlement Catastrophic Events Table.


The following items are also stocked by the General Store in Nehekhara.



Price (Gold)

1D6 Dried Rations



1D6 + 4 Water Skins



Dried Rations
Dried Rations are a variety of foods such as fruits and meats that have been dried to preserve them for travel. When eaten they heal 2 Wounds. Unlike normal provisions, they never go off.

Water Skins
Water Skins are used when travelling through the desert and are very important to the survival of the Warriors. (See Nehekhara Wilderness rules)


Quite often limbs are lost in the course of a slave’s life, ripped from them under the heavy stone blocks, or as a punishment administered by the Pharaoh’s Guards.

Valuable building time is lost from this and so a workshop was devised involving the amputation and replacement of human body parts by the cities’ mages.

The Warriors can make use of this facility, for there is many a time that an unfortunate Warrior can lose a limb. All this be as it may, the replacement limbs are sometimes of less than average quality. Also, sometimes the dark magic that bonds the limb to the recipient draws something from the original owner’s past, resulting in strange happenings. To avoid this, it is always best to purchase the highest quality limbs available.



Price* (Arm)

Price* (Leg)









Slighty Off












* When purchasing limbs, multiply the cost of each limb by the Warrior’s Battle Level to determine the total cost for that limb.

When a limb is bonded to a Warriors body, it soon regains its health as the body sustains it and the bonding magic goes to work. It takes an entire day for the magic to have effect, so the Warrior does not have to roll on the Pharaoh’s City Event Table today. However, he must roll 2D6 on the Limb Replacement Table below, with the appropriate modifiers depending on the quality of the replacement limb.




No roll needed


No modifier

Slighty Off







2 The dark magic binds the limb very badly to the Warrior, stirring deep changes within him. The limb originally belonged to a mass murderer and now some of his urges course through the Warrior’s veins. Every time a battle ends the Warrior must roll 1D6. On a 1 he can’t control the raging wanting for death within him and attacks the closest Warrior with his current weapon. If the attack hits he must roll 1D6. If he rolls a 1-2 he continues to attack the same Warrior. Repeat this until a 3-6 is rolled and the Warrior calms down. The condition is permanent, unless of course the limb is lost again!

3 The melding of the limb does not go well, as the mage is drunk. The limb originally belonged to a slave who had a strange disease that caused flesh to rot. At the start of every adventure roll 2D6. If a double is rolled then the rotting disease takes effect. Roll 1D6 on the following sub-table. The condition is permanent, unless of course the limb is lost again!

1 The disease speeds through the Warrior’s system making his internal organs rot from within him, he dies within hours.

2-3 The disease spreads slowly through the Warrior’s body clutching for control over his heart. He loses 1D3 Starting Wounds, permanently.

4-5 The disease moves through the Warrior’s blood stream. He takes 2D6 unmodified Wounds damage.

6 The Warrior can feel the disease creep through his system but it doesn’t cause him any real pain… yet.

4 The limb that is bonded to the Warrior’s body doesn’t quite fit correctly and after each adventure he must roll 1D6. On a roll of 1-2 the limb’s magic no longer holds it and it falls to the ground, useless. A replacement must be found!

5 The magic that bonds the limb to the Warrior’s body has a flaw and some of the limb’s past enters into his body. The past host of the limb was an undead Zombie! The magical properties that animated the Zombie still surge through the limb from time to time. After completing a battle that involves any Undead, roll 1D6. On a 1 the magical essence of the Undead that is released from the slain corpses flow into the Warrior’s arm – it then attacks the Warrior! Make a normal To Hit roll and work out damage for whatever weapon the Warrior is currently using. If the limb is an arm and is holding a shield or a lantern then the damage caused will just be Damage Dice. Now roll another 1D6. If another 1 is rolled then repeat the process, continue this until a 2-6 is rolled.

6 The limb the Warrior was given came from a man who died from poison! During combat due to the increased adrenaline surge, the poison is pumped throughout the Warrior’s body. At the completion of every combat, roll 2D6. If a double is rolled then the poison has a grave effect on the Warrior and he takes 1D6 unmodified Wounds damage. This is Fatal damage. On any other roll the poison has no effect on the Warrior.

7-11 The limb binds well to the Warrior and works perfectly.

12 The Warrior’s new limb originally belonged to a great swordmaster and some of his skill enters the Warrior’s body, with the aid of the magic. From now on he has +1 Weapon Skill, or +1 Move, depending on which limb was replaced. The Warrior may only gain a maximum of +2 WS and +2 Move (+1 for each limb). He loses these bonuses if he loses the limb the bonuses come from.


Throughout their adventures in Nehekhara, the Warriors will probably pick up a few “Nehekharan Treasures.” These are usually golden idols, necklaces encrusted with rubies or other small items of treasure buried with the great Pharaohs. They can be taken to a Nehekharan Treasure Shop where they are valued and the Warrior can sell them if he wishes. For each treasure the Warrior attempts to sell roll 1D6 on the following table.

1-2 “Is this some kind of joke!?” the shop keeper exclaims as he picks off the thin gold leaf coating the supposed treasure. It is only stone, and worthless.

3-4 “A fine item”, the shopkeeper says handing the Warrior 1D3 x 50 Gold.

5 “Quite a find”, the shopkeeper tells the Warrior, handing him 1D6 x 50 Gold.

6 “What a rare discovery!” the shopkeeper exclaims with interest. He hands the Warrior 1D6 x 80 Gold.


Roll 2D6 on this table for the party as a whole once the Warriors have spent two weeks in the City and at the end of every week thereafter.

2 Attack!
The city is attacked by a huge Undead army lead by Settra! The Warriors must try and force the attack back with the rest of the Pharaoh’s Guards. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior:

1 The Warrior spots Settra and charges at him. The fight lasts only moments, with Settra ripping the Warrior’s head off with his skull flail. The Warrior is dead.

2 The Warrior charges into battle defeating one or two foes before being mortally wounded. He loses 2D6 Starting Wounds, permanently. The Warrior then flees the city.

3-4 Fighting strongly the Warrior drives the enemy back. He takes 4D6 Wounds damage in the process.

5-6 The Warriors battle bravely, destroying a great amount of Undead. The enemy is driven back and the city is safe for now.

3 Slave
Each Warrior in the city must roll 1D6. The one with the lowest score is knocked unconscious and has his power sucked from him. He awakes in the slave pits, where against his will, he spends the rest of his days. His adventuring career is over.

4 Destroyed
A random Warrior in the city is involved in a dangerous chariot crash. He is thrown clear but the last weapon he used has been destroyed!

5 Illness
A deadly illness sweeps though the settlement, brought in by a sick camel. Any Warrior may stay here if they wish but risk being infected. If they wish to risk infection roll 1D6. On a 1-4 they die a terrible death, frothing at the mouth. On any other number they avoid illness.

6-9 No Event
The week passes without anything untoward happening.

10 Tornado
A huge sand tornado rips through the settlement destroying many of its buildings. The Warriors are forced to leave the settlement before they are crushed by falling rubble.

11 Vigilante
Each Warrior must roll 1D6. The Warrior with the lowest number decides that this settlement needs his divine attention and becomes a vigilante. With a dark cape and mask he protects the people of the city for the next 1D3 adventures. At the end of this duration he rejoins his fellow Warriors.

12 Giant
A great Giant happens across the city. Without waiting for an invitation he walks right on in, destroying a building with every step. The Warriors leave the city, not wishing to be squashed under his feet.


Some events result in the Warrior receiving a warrant for his arrest. If any Warrior with a warrant rolls a multiple of ten on the Pharaoh’s City Event Table, then he is captured by the Pharaoh’s Guards and thrown in the Palace Dungeon for his crimes.

While the number of days a Warrior must spend in jail seems lenient compared to other places, the beatings he can be subjected to are incredibly harsh. The number of days he must spend in the dungeon is dependant on the crime he committed. Refer to the table below.




2 days

Running from the Pharaoh's Guards

3 days


4 days

Insulting the Pharaoh

8 days

Assaulting the Pharaoh's Guards

6 days


10 days

If a Warrior is taken to the Palace Dungeon, check for what crime(s) he has been charged with and the sentence. Add the amount; this is the amount of days the Warrior must remain in the Palace Dungeon. He must roll 2D6 on the Palace Dungeon Events Table each day before he is set free. While in the dungeon all of his items, armour and weapons are taken from him. Upon being set free, they are returned to him.

There is no need to roll on the Pharaoh’s City Event Table or pay Living Expenses while the Warrior is in the dungeon. Also, he does not need to roll for a Catastrophic Event as long as he leaves the Pharaoh’s City directly after serving his sentence.

The Warrior does not gain any Wounds from a night in the dungeon. If the Warrior is reduced to 0 Wounds, roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 the Warrior's body is thrown to the vultures. He is out of the game and may not be resurrected! On a 2, the Warrior is revived (place him on 1 Wound), but has lost 1D3 Starting Wounds, permanently. On any other roll the Warrior is kicked back to consciousness and placed on 1 Wound.


2 The Warrior talks back to one of the dungeon’s guards and is thoroughly beaten with hard metal objects. Take 3D6 Wounds damage and lose 1 Starting Wound, permanently.

3 Another prisoner thinks the Warrior would make a good punching bag. A fight breaks out, with the Warrior being the victor, but only after enduring 2D6 Wounds damage.

4 Thinking this dungeon is a joke, the Warrior laughs heartily at his imprisonment, just before being whipped by a passing guard for 1D6+5 Wounds damage.

5 One of the fellow inmates stabs the Warrior in the back after he made some crude comments about his mother earlier that morning. He is inflicted with 1D6+4 Wounds.

6 During the night one of the inmates, a large dark skinned man called Bubba, comes close to the Warrior and tries to mate with him. If the Warrior has 4 or more Strength or Weapon Skill he manages to fight off the man, enduring 1D6 Wounds damage in the process. Otherwise he is at the brute’s mercy and loses all his remaining Luck for the rest of the adventure.

7 The Warrior is forced to push around a huge horizontal wheel by way of poles coming from it's sides. The internal workings of the wheel crush heavy sand stone boulders reducing them to a more manageable size. He is exhausted by the end of the day. He is at -1 Toughness and -1 Strength for the next 2 rolls on this table.

8 The Warrior eats his prison food only to find that it is rotten! He immediately feels ill and is at -2 Initiative for the following adventure

9 The day passes without incident.

10 Becoming quite chummy with one of the guards, the Warrior wins 1 Gold in a game of cards, played with squares of bark.

11 The Warrior finds a secret passage in the wall. He can leave if he wishes, but must leave all of his items behind.

12 A dungeon guard falls asleep close to the bars of the Warrior’s cell. Carefully he relieves the guard of his cell’s key, and frees himself. The Warrior has escaped. Within a nearby room, he finds all of his belongings. The guards don’t even notice he has escaped.



Nehekhara by Ben Head.